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Crane Rental Services FAQs

As a family-owned and operated crane rental provider with over 50 years of experience, L.R. Willson & Sons recognizes the importance of informed guidance. We’ve curated an insightful crane rental service FAQ to empower customers in Gambrills, MD, and the mid-Atlantic region with effective, high-quality crane, storage, rigging, and hauling solutions.

What Types of Cranes are Available for Rent?

Heavy equipment demands can vary from project to project. To satisfy diverse job sites and lift requirements, L.R. Willson & Sons’ inventory features an expansive selection of crane rentals, including:

  • Lattice boom truck crane rental
  • Lattice boom crawler crane rental
  • Hydraulic rough terrain crane rental
  • Hydraulic truck crane rental
  • Support truck rental

How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Crane?

Prioritizing accessibility and affordability, our crane rental service is tailored to suit every budget requirement and project specification. The cost of our crane rentals varies depending on several influential factors, including the equipment type and size, delivery, and transportation, and whether you’re looking for short- or long-term crane rentals.

Do You Offer Long-Term Crane Rentals?

To eliminate excessive initial expenditure, ongoing maintenance demands, and storage fees, L.R. Willson & Sons provides businesses with a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a crane. For projects with extended timelines, we offer flexible, long-term crane rentals. This service awards you high-value machinery without the high-value price tag.

What Is Your Service Area?

L.R. Willson & Sons is the Mid-Atlantic Region’s premier crane rental company. Our long-standing reputation has allowed us to expand our crane rental service reach to accommodate more clients than ever. We are proud to offer our storage, crane rentals, and rigging services to businesses across Annapolis, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Northern Virginia, and surrounding areas.

What Are the Restrictions for Crane Rentals?

For safety reasons, our crane rental service is subject to certain restrictions and requirements. To be eligible for our rentals, you must provide evidence that you or someone on your team is certified to operate the crane. In addition, we ask that you provide proof of any applicable permits, legal documents, and insurance.

What Are the Main Crane Rental Safety Considerations?

Our crane rental service adheres to several key safety considerations. These considerations include:

  • Preliminary assessments of underground facilities/structures
  • Crane operators must be trained and certified
  • The area surrounding the crane should be clear of obstacles/debris
  • Inspect for overhead wires/powerlines
  • Proactive terrain evaluations to ensure safe operations
  • Workers equipped with the appropriate personal protection equipment

How Do I Choose the Right Crane Rental for My Needs?

Selecting the right crane rental can be daunting. To make an informed decision, we recommend considering the scope and specifications of your project, including the projected load weights, the condition of the terrain, and lift height requirements.

How Soon Can You Get the Equipment to Me?

Our team knows that the sooner you receive your crane rental, the sooner your project can be underway. To encourage maximized productivity, we make a dedicated effort to expedite rental equipment deliveries. In most cases, we can have the equipment to you within a day.

What are Some of the Most Common Myths About Crane Rentals?

Perhaps the most notable crane rental myth is that crane rentals are not cost-effective. Even recurring and long-term crane rentals are more affordable than buying heavy machinery. It’s important to consider that purchasing a crane involves more than just the initial expenditure; it also involves ongoing maintenance and storage fees.

Are Your Operators Certified & Experienced?

Backed by over five decades of experience, we recognize the importance of qualified crane operations. Just as our bare rentals require proof of training and certification, our operated crane rental service is held to the same standards. Our professionals undergo extensive training and certifications by the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators.

Let’s Discuss Your Crane Rental Service

Invest in the highest standards of crane rental service with the mid-Atlantic region’s leading crane rental company. With expertise dating back to 1971, L.R. Willson & Sons is here to set you on track toward a safe, reliable, and efficient crane rental experience. To get started, contact our friendly team today.